design + build


    You’ve decided its finally time to give your family the extra space. You know what you need; your ideas have been bursting at the seams (thanks HGTV!), but you have no clue what it’s going to cost. “Will we need to tap into our savings? Do we have enough equity in the house? Where do we even begin?!”

    These are some of the questions we’ll address together. We will meet up and walk through your wish list, your needs, the would-have-could-have’s and most importantly, your budget. We’ve been building in Northern Virginia for over 10 years and have seen just about everything; there may be a good reason to keep that old 40’s brick rambler- or maybe not.

    After the exchange, we’ll need a few days to process our discussion. We’ll compile the numbers along with a description of the work and set up a time to review together.

    Should we be in the sweet spot of your budget, reach out to our references and put your mind at ease. Sit this on the back burner and think it over- it’ll be some time until you’re ready to take the next step and when you are, we’ll be here to give you a refresher on The Design Contract- where the real journey begins.

    This step takes 3-5 days.


    The Design Contract is where we merge your dreams and your budget into one entity. We develop your ideas into tangible drawings, true construction costs and prepare the permit submission package, keeping you in the driver’s seat.

    Here’s what we generate together:

    1. Architectural and Structural Plans

    2. Permit Submission Package

    3. Your Construction Budget

    As homeowners and family-driven builders, we know this can feel overwhelming. Our aim is to simplify the process and guide you along the way. We seek flexibility and control in our personal lives and that’s why we’ve set up a comfortable approach to building together. We want you to be in control and have the ability to make forward progress together, to slow down or even carve a new direction without any pressure of a build contract.

    Included in the Design Contract are Concept Drawings, CAD Developed Drawings, Construction Drawings for Permit (Architectural, Structural and Civil Drawings) and a True to Plan Construction Budget. The price of The Design Contract is applied directly to The Build Contract so that no dollar is wasted.

    The construction documents we generate here will be required by the bank in order to begin the construction loan process. This contract is set up for those serious about beginning the journey of making their dreams come true.

    The Design Journey takes 4-6 months.


    We’re finally here.

    The Build Contract is pretty simple. We take our permit submission package and construction budget from The Design Contract and apply it to The Build Contract stating that in exchange for building this [custom project] for {$X amount} you hire us to build it.

    Pretty straightforward, right?!

    We celebrate “Out with the old, in with the new”, finalize the construction loan and apply for permits. By the time the bank is finished with the paperwork, your permits should be approved and ready for us to build.